
Friday, July 22, 2005

From the poor girl's heart.....

Imagine, said the poor girl
that you are not sitting where you are right now
but that you are in front of a railway station in chennai
That you are not wearing that wonderful outfit, but rags instead
Imagine that you are not in an air-conditioned room
and that the sun is very much scorching you
Imagine that you are not the child of your parents
but an orphan in the road.....near the railway station...
Imagine that you havent eaten for days together...
the starvation, the pain,being exposed to nature's fury,rain or shine
How long would it be before you put aside your self-respect
and put-forward that arm seeking alms??
Now , ask yourself this question- do you still think,
Money is not the most important thing in life?
If you are hungry, would you still be able to think
of love,of morals and all things good?????


divyasurendiran said...

If you are hungry, would you still be able to think
of love,of morals and all things good?????

A profound question!!!!

monu said...


Adaengappa !! said...
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Adaengappa !! said...

True ,but sad happenings seen everyday..Hope things change for good !!

Got emotional as i read this !!

monu said...

me too hoping...

Unknown said...

Why have u removed the counter ? I thought it painted a good picture

monu said...


check out the site meter at the bottom of the page....
pls go to the bottom og the page

karma said...

Money is indeed very very important.

AF said...

Monu...You are awesome, each poem is great..



AF said...

How can you do so many per day? It is amazing, when i come the next day since US is back, i have so much to read in your blog...

Ganesh said...

monu nice
Money is important but money is not everything, money can never buy happiness. But the problem is not money itself but with the person who owns it.

first time here came through my friend mukund/thennaavan.

I will blogroll you.

museful said...

u really are a very good writer.....luved each and every post......always thought provoking!!!

Vivhyd said...

nice one!! priority matters when it comes to what we bother about.. in this case the next the next meal would be a priority.. nice one!!

Anonymous said...

Hey good one-definitely all your posts are thought provoking

Narayanan Venkitu said...

Sad yet true.

The poor citizen in your poem needs it.!

But...People who have much do they need.?

IMHO - It would be a good idea to live a simple life and not be money greedy.

As long as your basic necessaties are are fine I think..

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

Good one!

expertdabbler said...

very good post.

sathyajit ray padam partha feeling....

btw how come u manage 5/6 posts a day?

johnny boy said...

Money may not be able to bring happiness to everyone, true, but Money can give life, to millions of people in our country, jus like the lil girl in your post...
For these ppl, happiness is the last thing on their mind, all they need is, dear life... Which means -> a little money. Yes Money is the most important thing for them!

monu said...

:)..totally agree

thanks a lot!
i guess, it is all my spare time that i have to blame..hehe

you have a point there, that problem lies in the person who owns the money....
thanks for blogrolling me

coming from you, i take that as an honour... write superbly too


monu said...


@narayanan venkitu
that is one question that i ask myself too....
poeple who have money,how much do they need??
don't know that yet.....

vetti oppecer...adhunaala 5/6 posts a day..hehe

@johnny boy

totally agree with you

monu said...

thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

Whether your human values and principles are greater than your hunger

It is indeed a very interesting topic to go on for debate. Everyone is having their opinions and strong points for and against in the situation which you have mentioned.

This topic let me think hard what should be my viewpoint and it is really thoughtful of you to put it in your blog. My perspective for this situation is that if your physical needs are met then only your principal values defines any human being. My views can be divided on following points

Firstly, Indeed it is bitter truth that when someone stomach is empty, one will compromise on one's values and if anyone denies that then that person can only be god not human.

Secondly, when you are meeting your physical needs you can define your central values however it is different for each one because priority in your life changes drastically. Someone rightly pointed out "Change is the only constant thing in this world.". Your central values can be your morality, discipline, organizing yourself, respect. I will keep it short as for each value we can discuss at length.

In conclusion, central values are important provided your
physical needs are met.
In case your opinion differs please feel free to write.